Friday, August 21, 2009

One Hungry squirrel..............

Few weeks back i save this baby squirrel from the clutches of our cats.There were 2 baby squirrel that has been captured by our cat gang but only managed to save one.
The lucky one seems to be very hungry.........


  1. AWWWW!!!!!! This made my day, too CUTE

  2. I think he will grow up to eat all your plants & flowers. LOL

  3. Wow, you're so lucky!!! I have always wanted a squirrel for a pet. Even if it was just for a little while.

  4. Absolutely adorable! Squirrels are my favorite animal-I aspire to be one in my next life. Kudos to you for saving one!

  5. He is a cutey! I have never seen a pet. He doesn't look timid at all.

  6. Awww! He is SO adorable! What are you feeding him? I'd have no idea - but it's good you saved him from the kitties. He obviously isn't scared of you - will he let you pet him and/or hold him?

    He is absolutely precious - enjoy your time with him! xx

  7. Your photos are very beautiful. You must be raging mad on your new camera. Keep up the good work. Thank you for stopping by my blog.
